comorbid disorder smorgasbord

Typographic Layout | Research

What do we have here?

Comorbid Disorder Smorgasbord is a visual that is informative and takes away the uncertainty surrounding depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder. The infographic analyzes the similarities and overlaps among the three. It can live in the medical and mental health realm, but it will act as a comforting guide. Since this is a personal topic, there will be an understanding and straightforward approach to demystify and normalize the struggles of these disorders. While the title and design is a little more lighthearted, it is backed by the straightforward and factual information. The goal is to educate and provide support. This can benefit anyone who is ready to learn about and ready to advocate for these issues.

The Details


The lighthearted title makes this graphic feel like a companion, while the subtitle and callouts clarify the information. The three “blobs” represent the three disorders. They are separate entities, but fall under the same mental health umbrella. OCD is an offshoot of anxiety, and anxiety is a related closer to both the other two.


This section focuses on the start of these disorders. It discusses internal and external causes for where they commonly come from. It also provides statistics for diagnoses.


This highlights aspects of living with the disorders. It touches on how it effects the individual’s wellbeing. There are also details regarding specifics of each one.


The final section shows the final stages of the disorders on both ends of the spectrum. It talks about both the morbidity and the treatment options. the brain activity is also acknowledged.

early ideation

Digital iteration

studies of the structure and flow of information


Your Story


personal stuff